How long does it take?
AA rebuild can take up to three weeks in my shop (15 business days).

A 20% surcharge will be added if the shocks are needed in 5 business days or less.
How much does it cost (per shock) for a restoration?
AThe price per shock for a restoration is $405, not including the silent block bushing. Extra machine shop time is $85 per hour for additional modifications.
How stiff will the shocks be after their restoration?
ADepending on the application (i.e.: race application vs. road car application), the tension will be adjusted accordingly.  The rate of tension per shock is calculated by our proprietary dynomometer at a rate of 60 RPM at 350 pounds at a shock temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit, on average.
Do you paint the shocks?
AThe shocks will painted semi-flat black for Ferraris or silver for Maseratis.
What kind of payments do you take?
AWe take major credit cards, MasterCard/Visa, as well as PayPal, and personal checks. Bills are sent before the shocks are completed and expect cleared payment before the shocks are returned.